New Paradigm Underwriters Utilizes Weatherflow’s network of almost 100 hurricane hardened anemometers with a footprint from Texas through to Maine as a platform to transparently and efficiently access the world’s most efficient capacity providers (either fully collateralized, or rated balance sheet). Both cedant and reinsurer/retrocessionaire have access to the wind speed data during National Weather Service named storms in real time (subject to cellular availability). If pre-determined winds speeds are met or exceeded at pre-selected anemometers, coverage is triggered.
No Black Box
Coverage options are completely bespoke and can vary by region, attaching wind speeds, and structures (tiered or binary).
Regional cover or localized, PeakZone PM® protection
High correlation between Property Damage and wind speed.
Independent Trigger: Risk Management Solutions (RMS) serves as 3rd party calculation provider.
Back up Trigger: In the event of an anemometer malfunction or obvious anomaly RMS in their role as calculation provider will use the back-up trigger: Their modeled wind field that is part of their product Paradex.
Timeliness of settlement: as early as days after named storm. The calculation provider, RMS, is contractually bound to deliver and post on their event report within 45 business days of the conclusion of the named storm.
Coverage format available in either reinsurance or swap formats. (Both through the appropriately licensed intermediaries.)
Coverage is available either single shot or multiple pre-paid limits. Single year or multiple year.
Small to very large limits available: $500K to hundreds of millions+
Retention de-risking (balance sheet and earnings protection)
Localized Retrocessional or spike cover
Arbitrage and Growth opportunities
Rapid post event capital infusion
Shareholder equity protection

weatherflow's Hurricane Network
Begun in 2007 in response to emerging needs in the fields of civil engineering, emergency management, hurricane research, and risk mitigation, the WeatherFlow Hurricane Network includes 100 specialized stations, placed near coastal urban concentrations and are specifically designed to withstand the conditions associated with a landfalling hurricane. With instruments designed to survive winds of 140 mph, these stations are fully self sufficient – no external power or communications devices are needed. This system was recognized by Brig. Gen. David L. Johnson, USAF (ret.), then director of NOAA’s National Weather Service: “Our arrangement with WeatherFlow is a great example of the public/private partnership that provides weather services to this country every day. The WeatherFlow Hurricane Mesonet offers the potential to improve data coverage along the U.S. coast with stations designed to survive the extreme conditions that landfalling hurricanes bring, allowing us to provide better services and improve our hurricane warnings. Their willingness to let us use their data directly in our warnings is the kind of corporate good citizenship the weather enterprise is known for.” The
Hurricane Network has proven itself repeatedly, including two significant landfalling storms. The first came in September 2008, when Hurricane Ike made landfall on the Texas coastline with wind gusts over 110 mph. All 7 WeatherFlow Hurricane Network stations in the Houston/Galveston region stayed on line and collected data throughout the storm – a 100% success rate that is a testament to the planning and preparation that went in to these stations.